It was because of this article in the September 1990 issue of Country Living magazine that I ordered the kit for the Cherry Blossom cardigan. Back then ordering involved sending letters and complicated payment arrangements, and the whole thing took weeks and weeks, but I got the kit. And I knit the cardigan.
I am on Ravelry - Ravelry is fabulous and I love it. Occasionally you get comments and compliments about your FO's, which is great, because it comes from people who know what they're talking about. They know what it's like to spend hours on nifty armhole shaping and then discover you should have started shaping the neckline about two inches ago. And what it's like to persevere on acres of boring stockinette.
So of course I was tickled pink when Diane left a comment on my Cherry Blossom cardigan. We exchanged some PM's in which I wondered whether it would be permitted to put the pattern on Ravelry, because it's such a great pattern, even if you might not be able to find the exact same yarns. After all, the pattern was originally published nearly twenty years ago.
Then I confidently opened the cupboard where I thought I had this big folder with old swatches, notes and patterns from my machine knitting days.
It was not there. *gasp*
Since then I have looked everywhere I could think of, but no pattern.
I'm very afraid that in one of my fits of declutterance I have actually trashed the whole folder. I have these fits occasionally, and they are normally very satisfying. And I did have a period in which I thought I'd never take up machine knitting again, I even considered putting the knitting machine up for sale.
So there you are.
I'll probably turn the house upside down one more time, because I can't believe I did this - I even kept the magazine, for Pete's sake. But I'm not optimistic.
Sorry, Diane!
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